The Advancement of Undergraduate Research in the Sciences (AURS)
The University of Central Arkansas

The AURS Endowment

The Advancement of Undergraduate Research in the Sciences (AURS) endowment was established in 2008 to support undergraduate research in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Central Arkansas. We believe that engaging undergraduates in fundamental research prepares them for graduate or professional school as well as enhancing their undergraduate education. Not only do our undergraduates perform original research with a faculty mentor they also present that research at local, regional and national professional meetings and are coauthors on publications about their research. Our undergraduates have gone on to be successful in their careers upon graduation due in part to these experiences with our faculty.

Undergraduates benefit from working with a faculty member on an original research project. Their confidence in their abilities are increased, their understanding of fundamental science and mathematics is increased and they are able to parlay those experiences into enhanced internships and support at the graduate or professional school level. However, the opportunity to support these undergraduates depends on the funding level of the endowment. The AURS endowment is managed by the University of Central Arkansas Foundation, Inc. Please consider supporting this endeavor.

Dr. Micah Abrams & Dr. William V. Slaton
AURS Endowment co-founders



Student written proposals should be a clear and precise statement of the research problem to be investigated and the need for its investigation. Proposals should include objectives, hypotheses, and or questions posed by the student to be investigated as well as the proposed methodology to be undertaken as appropriate. The fellowship budget can include a stipend for the applicant, materials & supplies, travel, etc as appropriate for the project. The proposed project can be planned to occur at any time within the following year.

Undergraduate students applying for the fellowship must demonstrate financial need; have a minimum 3.0 GPA; be of any standing with a preference shown to freshmen and sophomores.

One $6,000 AURS Fellowship will be awarded to a qualified student researcher this funding cycle.

3-page proposals PLUS cover letter are due Friday, Feb 28, 2025.

Full details in the guidelines below.

Cover Letter: (Google Doc)
Guidelines: (Google Doc)

STEM Communicator

The AURS STEM Communicator award is to encourage the communication of science to the general public in an informative and compelling manner. Public understanding of science is critical for shared democracy, innovation, and entrepreneurship in the United States and Arkansas. The award is modeled after the following: Virginia Tech's Nutshell Games, Georgia Tech's 3 Min Thesis, and The Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science. STEM Communicators should review the Better Posters website as well as the book by Dr Zen Faulkes by the same name. The tips therein will help improve your research posters.

Undergraduate student or team presenters will be evaluated at the annual College of Science and Engineering STEM Poster Symposium.

The STEM Communicator award amount is as follows: first place ($500), second place ($250), third place ($125), dependent on scholarship cap. The award amount is divided among a team or group students if the poster/research is presented by more than one student.

Sign up: Registration Form
Evaluation Rubric: (PDF)
Guidelines: (Google Doc)


2024 Research Fellowship
Ayema Mukhtar in Dr. Amrita Puri's biology lab for their proposal entitled "Exploring the Role of Weight Information in Object Recognition using Active Echolocation."

2024 STEM Communicator Award
1st Place: Joseph Sharp, "Rescuing Lifespan in C. elegans Modeled Huntington’s Disease via Vitamin D Supplementation"
2nd Place: Cassidy Jones, "Photochemical Amino Acid Radical Generation"

2023 STEM Communicator Award
1st place: Hypatia Meraviglia, "Gas phase reactions of meteoric Mg+ and Al+ with organic nitriles occurring in the atmosphere of Titan" Dr. William S. Taylor and Dr. Makenzie Provorse Long in the Chemistry department.
2nd place: Emily Walsh, "Water Quality Indicators in Central Arkansas Streams," with Dr. Halvor Halvorson in the Biology Department.
3rd place: Thomas Blake Crook, "Microbiota of Naturally Acquired Cactophilic Drosophila Species," with Dr. Tamara S. Haselkorn in the Biology Department.

2022 Research Fellowship
Jamie Chen in Dr. Gregory Naumiec's chemistry lab for their proposal entitled "N,N' - Squaramide Systhesis to Economically Combat Huma African Trypanosomiasis."
Haley Cox in Dr. Marsha Massey's chemistry lab for their proposal entitled "Synthesizing Bim-py."


The Advancement of Undergraduate Research in the Sciences Endowment is managed by the University of Central Arkansas Foundation, Inc. The UCA Foundation is a nonprofit public charity and offers many options for enabling you to support the AURS endowment. Options for giving to the UCA Foundation may be found here which includes an option for secure online donations. Alternatively, your support can be mailed to the UCA Foundation's office at:

The UCA Foundation, Inc.
Buffalo Alumni Hall
UCA Box 4986
Conway AR 72035

Please be sure to designate your gift to the Advancement of Undergraduate Research in the Sciences, Account #0590, to ensure that your gift goes to support undergraduate students in the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Central Arkansas.

Thank you for your support!